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This me




My compass rests reliably between right and left brain. I relish opportunities for unbridled creativity and visual communication, while maintaining equal nerd status for the details and organization of project management.


When faced with creative challenges, I seek patterns, parallels and ideas in unexpected places. I love a good brainstorm and enjoy ideating with an enthusiastic team. I equally appreciate working independently, diving into details and emerging with a distilled strategy to present.


I'm currently working as a Coordinating Producer at a tv production house full of stories, creativity and really nice people.

Take from me everything but my books. I devour the written word and I hold headlines accountable for their promises.

I’m inspired by nature and motivated by curiosity


I’ve learned being uncomfortable leads to growth, so I’m finding comfort in that.


I believe compassion can be taught, dogs are just the best, and we can learn so. many. things. from animals.


My cure for overthinking is kayaking, cooking, reading, pretending that I still play high school sports and consequently, recovering from avoidable injuries.


I also spend an exceptional amount of time smothering our two dogs with affection, smothering other people’s dogs with affection and exploring ways I can be a better human.


That me

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